Dads Uniting Dads in Education and Service
You Have Found The Official Website of The South Pasadena DUDES!
Welcome Friends and Neighbors!

Who Are We?
Dads Uniting Dads in Education & Service is a non-profit organization that harnesses the charity, commitment and compassion of local families in order to foster better educational and social opportunities for our community. Founded 2012.

Here's What The DUDES Are All About
Meaningful Work. Unforgettable Experiences.

What Do We Do?
From good deeds to fundraising, we have been serving the community for over 8 years. Our primary focus is the ongoing support for the South Pasadena schools, and fostering our alliances with our city, fire and police departments. We are proud to have donated 10s of thousands of dollars to the South Pas schools and community over the years.

Why Join The DUDES?
So that you can be a part of a brotherhood whose sole purpose is to make our community the best that it can be for our children. By becoming one of the DUDES, you will build life-long friendships and have a direct impact on our city. Joining is easy! Just give us your email so we can inform you about future events. That’s it. Hope you consider joining the DUDES today!
Your Membership
Great things can be achieved by great numbers. The more DUDES. we have the better. Becoming a member enables you to be in the "know" about all future events and fundraisers.
Your Involvement
Of course we have many "Social" gatherings and it's great to have a large crowd. Please come. But, we are hoping that every one of our DUDES. shows up for at least 1 community project to volunteer a little time to our cause.
Your Voice
We encourage all DUDES. to voice their opinions and ideas. The DUDES. are an INCLUSIVE organization and we are open for any suggestions that you have that may embolden our movement for our community. Speak up!
Become a DUDE!
Make a difference. Make some friends.
The DUDES non-profit's conception was based on a few guys that just wanted to make a difference in our community, for our kids. That's it! It's not a huge commitment. We only ask for one volunteer commitment a year. We will keep you informed on what SP needs through our mailer. The best part about joining, is getting to know other like minded DUDES that have a really great time in between our service! Become a DUDE. Make a difference!
The DUDESÂ help out in many ways...
Helping with city events
Community improvements
Fundraising support for our school district
Supporting our Police and Fire departments
Donating volunteer hours
Creating events to unite the community
Service projects for the schools and community
Supporting our local businesses

Say Hello!
Have a question, suggestion or just want to say "hello?" Please use the form below. Thank you for your inquiry.